Saturday, June 27, 2009

Party out of bounds.

T-minus 11 hours and say 3 minutes until The Three Estates Do: Town/Gown/FPCS Handbells & Choir kicks it here at 119 Edgey. It's all brought to you by us:

Still got a few last items to set up for cooking this afternoon. Have to sweep the patio and carport again. But otherwise, we're good to go. A big photo album of the event will mount sometime Sunday.

Our Party Music

Hour 1 Music from 1909 (honoring Elizabeth Gwinn who turned 100 last month)
"The Whiffenpoof Song" and "By the Light of the Silvery Moon" both written in 1909 plus performances by artists born in 1909 like Benny Goodman, Ruby Keeler, Victor Borge, Carmen Miranda, and Gene Krupa.

Hour 2 Reich Re-Mixed

Hour 3 My 1980s v. 4.1.a

Hour 4 Son[y]a's Sisters Solidarity Mix v 2.0.a Getting to Happiness

After that who knows? Maybe Sonic Youth, The Eternal, Japandroids, Post-Nothing, Telekinesis, Telekinesis!, or The Thermals, Now We Can See

and so it goes . . .

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