Monday, February 14, 2005

Across the universe.

What can I say the first minute and a half of this all star sing-a-long was effing dreadful and an embarassment to all involved with normally sure-footed artists singing out of key and not into their mics (Hey Stevie over here man). It was rescued a bit by Wonder's harmonica riffing towards the end. And was this the most random assortment of talent since the horrible Beatles thing last year, only salvaged by Pharrel Williams' drumming. Note to self: Slash and Steven Tyler looked awfully cool together. Now there's the basis for a supergroup I'd pay to see. Normally a sucker for charity records—I have the Two-Tone "Starvation" 7" (the best ever made) for example—I'll have to find another venue to support Tsunami Aid.

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